Who Am I?

I'm a 26 year old woman from Phillipsburg, Kansas. My two sisters and I were raised by my mother, who is blind, with the help of state and community programs. I wouldn’t have had a fraction of the opportunities available to me if it weren’t for free lunch programs, the food pantry, community theatre, Girl Scouts, neighbors who drove me to school in blizzards, churches that provided us with turkeys and presents from Santa for Christmas, the local library, and so much more.

The kindness of others, along with the hardships we have faced, has made me eager to repay the community that has shaped me into the person I am today, so that their children’s children have even more opportunities than I did. Additionally, with my mom’s cancer diagnosis, I’m motivated now more than ever to make things better for her and everyone else going through the worst times of their lives. I need to try.

I’m currently working as a bartender at The Black Sheep Taphouse, but I’ve worked in customer service for over a decade. I’ve babysat and mowed for my neighbors, made them sandwiches on their lunch breaks, helped them navigate paperwork for the worst days of their lives at the hospital, served them champagne to celebrate the best ones at the taphouse, and cleaned up trash on our streets while singing and dancing to music in my free time.

From serving people for a corporation, healthcare facilities, and small businesses, I know small town Kansas well and will strive to represent my neighbors proudly. I owe you all at least that, please let me repay you.

What I Stand For